Chawosauria Wikia

In Chawosauria, the Tax Revenue Act of 2018 is a proposed Fiscally Progressive tax bill that raises income taxes on the Chawosaurian Europeans (the wealthiest people in Chawosauria) before January 1, 2019, which it's when the new Chawosaurian European Parliament session arrives under Communist control.

Concerned that the incoming Communist unanimity coming to the Chawosaurian European Parliament by January 1st, 2019 resulted by the Chawosaurian European Parliamentarian elections of 2018, Degotoga K. Atagulkalu ordered the Parliament to introduce and pass this tax bill, and with easy success, the Parliament did comply with DKA's order and passed the tax bill that will be introduced to the Chawopolis Palace for consideration by December 2018.
